About Us
Fanzi Pants is a small family-owned business born out of the transformative love we have for our pup, Fanzi. Born and raised in the inner city as a young girl trying to get back and forth between home, work and school, I found myself walking in neighborhoods full of stray and loose dogs; and chased by some of the scariest dogs, some from homes and some abandoned. Chased up trees, into garbage cans, and atop cars, I developed a deep fear of dogs. This fear spanned over two decades until 2019 when I was introduced to an adorable pitbull puppy who wanted a home. A year and half later, Fanzi has become a member of our family, protecting us and loving us ... and that fear of dogs I once had ... completely vanished! Talk about serious systematic desensitization!
This is our family business.
We know you deeply love your pet, too; and we strive to bring you products you and your pet will love. Please continue to visit as we continuously add new, healthy and safe items for your pet.